Jan 22, 2023Liked by Fred Sargeant

Thank you for sharing those two articles, as well as your introduction. I plan to share them. This may sound odd, but as a radical feminist for many years now, I still dream of a world with more men like you and Paul Chase in it. Thank you for being who you are and for never giving up, Fred Sargeant!

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Thank you! As a 70 year old white male heterosexual retired social worker who has always been an LGBTQ supporter - I only became aware of the toxic nature of what is now occurring through investigating for myself "why" J.K. Rowling was being called "transphobic" and threatened with rape, assault and even death. I am appalled watching the "trans-movement's" attempted erasure of the legal rights of all women, straight, Lesbian and bisexual - and of Gay men - through bullying and threats of violence toward any who question their ideology and through what amounts to the ideological and physical - "trans-conversion-therapy" - of young gay and lesbian people.

Over the last 6 months I have taken a deep dive into reading about what has been taking place in these matters - reading "The Abolition of Sex," "Material Girls," "Trans" and now "The New Puritans." These books along with many many blog posts such as this one have made me aware of the gravity of the situation. This is an issue I was woefully ignorant of only a few short months ago - and when I bring these issues up with friends, family and acquaintances it immediately becomes clear they know next to nothing about any of this madness. It is in fact so "unbelievable" to many of them that they really can't allow themselves to believe things are as insane as they in fact are.

This ideology is operating on a stealth basis - not through open dialogue and respectful exchange. It is as irrational and 'faith based' as any reactionary religious cult might be. It differs from most "religions" in that even among the religious "faithful" of a given sect there is acceptance that others outside their sect are still human beings worthy of respect. This "trans-sect" is the most completely intolerant, irrational, misogynistic and openly authoritarian movement to emerge in my lifetime. We all have a duty to speak out in opposition to it's blatant intolerance masquerading as "inclusion." Thank you for posting these Fred.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Fred Sargeant

Keep going Fred - the more gay men and women of our generation speak out, the more we will connect younger gay people to their own history.

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deletedJan 23, 2023Liked by Fred Sargeant
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